Treatment of chronic prostatitis

Prostatitis is a purely male disease. It is characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland. Quiteste is quite painful and causes discomfort to a man. At the same time, many remain silent about the problem, thus worsening their condition. As a result, the acute form of the disease becomes chronic. Its symptoms appear at regular intervals, then disappear completely.

The question of how to cure chronic prostatitis is more important in such a situation.


Recently, more and more men are complaining of burning, cramping, pain when urinating, deterioration of strength and impairment of reproductive ability. Basically, these are all signs of prostatitis. As practice shows, there are many reasons for its occurrence and the disease affects the body at different ages.

Only timely and correct treatment will help get rid of the disease. Therefore, at the first sign, it is important to see a doctor. He will perform a number of examinations, appoint to pass tests and perform other procedures. Based on the results obtained, a diagnosis will be made and the most effective treatment will be determined.

But many men are sensitive to this topic, so they try to hide their flaws. As a result, the disease course process is complex, and the acute form becomes chronic. The latter is much harder to cope with, it will take more time and effort. In this case, it can not be done without a number of restrictions and adherence to certain recommendations. Moreover, some kind of therapy will not bring the desired result; a combination of both is required.


Patients with chronic prostatitis are interested in whether it can be cured and how it is treated. This question is quite logical, as everyone wants to lead a normal life without worries. Treating prostatitis in men is a complex and time consuming process. Requires an accurate and responsible approach. In this case, you should not self-medicate, it is better to seek help from a specialist and only under his supervision perform the necessary manipulations.

The main methods of prostate treatment include:

  • Ethnoscience;
  • Taking medication;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Thermal impact;
  • Electrotherapy and laser therapy;
  • Compliance with a diet.

In addition, there are several approaches to treatment, which depend on the type of disease: bacterial and abacterial. For the first type of disease, antibiotics are suitable. The course of such therapy is long-term but effective. In the treatment of the latter, a strong stream of drugs is mainly used, the action of which is aimed at destroying the infected microflora. In addition, stagnation factors are thus eliminated.

prostate massage for chronic prostatitis

Additional procedures are often used during treatment. For example, transrectal massage. Quite quite effective in chronic prostatitis. It is performed by a specially trained person. Basically, these skills are possessed by a doctor. The duration of the massage is 12-15 procedures, which are performed within a month.

Exercise also has a beneficial effect on the body of a patient with prostatitis. For example, morning and evening jogging, swimming. The main purpose of exercise is to speed up blood circulation in the body, which will give it extra strength. In addition, they have a positive effect on the condition of the legs and pelvis, in which stagnation often occurs, leading to prostatitis.

Many experts recommend softening the body - this procedure will only complement the treatment. Since it activates the work of all organs in the patient's body.


Folk remedies are widely used in the treatment of various diseases. If it is possible to treat chronic prostatitis with this method it worries a lot. The use of herbs, flowers, honey and baths are quite effective for such a disease. As a result, you can cure prostatitis at home. Moreover, it is easy to do and with minimal financial cost.

a healthy prostate and inflamed with chronic prostate

You can effectively treat prostatitis with the following folk remedies:

  • Hazelnut branches and needles.The plants should be poured with boiling water and left to ripen. After that, pour it into a tub and sit in the juice. Taking a similar bath is performed several times a day for two weeks. The duration of a procedure is 15-20 minutes;
  • Pumpkin seeds.This plant is rich in zinc, which is essential for the male body. Helps to cope quickly and effectively with many diseases. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten in pure form 25-30 seeds once a day, or used to prepare a special solution. The second application is as follows. It is necessary to grind the seeds in a soft state. A meat grinder will help with this. Add honey to them in the amount of 150 grams. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and roll into small balls. Store this in a cool place. Consume one or two tablespoons a day before meals. Moreover, it must be fully chewed;
  • Honey and celandine.Basically, this medicine is used after treating prostatitis with medication, when acute inflammation will be relieved. These ingredients are used to prepare a special soup. It is necessary to take dried celandine herbs and boil for 30 minutes. Then drain and add honey. After cooking, the soup is poured into a glass container and stored in a cool, dark place. It is recommended to use 10 grams three times a day before meals;
  • Oatmeal soup.You need to take the product and boil it for 30 minutes. After that, strain and drink a glass several times a day. The duration of treatment in this way is about two months. In this case, it is necessary to take a break every five days of using the soup. During such therapy, it is worth giving up strenuous physical exercise. For example, going to the gym. The results of treatment with folk remedies will not keep you waiting, they will be visible within a week, but you should not stop here. In order for healing to occur and the disease to disappear forever, it is necessary to complete the full course;
  • ParsleyThis plant has a rich composition, which includes a number of useful and healing substances. They do an excellent job with inflammatory processes in the genital area, restore their work. To cure prostatitis, you need to pass the parsley through a fruit and vegetable juicer. The resulting liquid should be taken in the amount of one tablespoon several times a day. You can also use plant seeds. They are pressed into a powder state, poured with boiling water and boiled for twenty minutes. After that, cool down and drink a tablespoon before eating.

You can cure a chronic disease with other folk remedies. For example, wormwood. This plant helps relieve inflammation and kill a pyogenic infection. Wormwood should be rubbed with hands before use. After that, use one part of it in its pure form, and use the other to prepare a special decoction, which is used for washing the urethra.

The bitterness possessed by the plant has a positive effect on the body. Cleanses the body of harmful bacteria that have become infectious agents. Only in this way, you can completely get rid of the disease.

The scheme of using such a tool is as follows:

  • At the beginning of treatment, it is necessary to use a top of the plant. After that, be sure to drink a glass of water. It is necessary to perform the procedure every two hours. Thus, the duration of treatment is three days. It does not matter when the meal is performed. These days, the attending physician does not recommend vacations. The herb will need to be taken at night at the same intervals;
  • Subsequent treatment takes place only during the day. It is necessary to eat a pinch of wormwood five or six times. The duration of such a wait is four days;
  • In the evening, additional wormwood treatments will be required. They appear in the form of microcysts. To prepare them, you need a teaspoon of dried herbs. A glass of water is added and boiled. After that, the broth is filtered and cooled to a temperature of 37 degrees. 50 ml of fluid should be taken for the procedure. It is performed by injection into the anus. In this case, the stool is not noticeable. Another 50 ml of solution should be injected into the urethra. The duration of treatment is one week. Within a few days, stagnation will begin to appear.


To get the desired result from treatment with folk remedies, you need to follow a diet. It consists in the exclusion of fatty and dairy products, eggs, sweets from the diet. In addition, you should limit yourself to the consumption of bread. Allowed only in dry form and in an amount not exceeding 200 grams per day. Also, for the treatment period, it is necessary to give up alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances.

medication for chronic prostatitis

If we talk about the products that are allowed, then this includes vegetables and fruits. Since they are rich in fiber, vitamins and other beneficial substances. You can eat cereal, nuts and sunflower oil.

Drug treatment

Folk remedies often fail to cure chronic prostatitis. They are mainly used in combination with drug therapy or prescribed after it. The use of medication in practice is much more effective in combating the disease. They quickly help to heal the patient.

Basically, with drug therapy, antibiotics and rectal suppositories are prescribed. The first allows you to destroy the bacteria that led to the development of the disease. They must be used very carefully and strictly according to the scheme. Since they are able to accumulate in the prostate gland.

Treatment with rectal suppositories is also possible. They allow you to quickly relieve the symptoms that accompany the disease. In addition, they block the inflammatory process, have a mild effect on the walls of the rectum. Rectal suppositories have no side effects that often occur with the use of antibiotics.

Chronic prostatitis is usually curable. The main thing is to follow your doctor's recommendations. With the right approach to problem solving, it will not be difficult to cure the disease. But still, you should not bring your condition to a chronic form of prostatitis, it is better to seek help in its initial stage.

As soon as there is discomfort during urination, you should go to the doctor. He will help determine the cause of the disease. If necessary, he will choose an effective treatment for the disease. As a result, a man will be able to return to his normal life without worries.